Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Life Lessons

Lessons learned while trying to duplicate the J-Dawgs secret hot dog sauce for dinner tonight:

1. I should pay attention to what I bought in the prior week, before making grocery purchases. I am now the proud owner of two and a half bottles of katsup, two large-ish bottles of cumin, and four jars of salsa.

2. Pickles are always worth the inevitable pickle-juice explosion that occurs when opening a new jar.

3. Procrastination can be beneficial. I'm really glad I didn't mop before making dinner. Because I had to open a new jar of pickles.

4. Marinade looks exactly like BBQ sauce.

5. Marinade tastes NOTHING like BBQ sauce.

6. J-Dawgs sauce is incapable of duplication.

7. But the stuff I made was pretty darn close and was completely worth having to scratch the first batch to make a second.

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