Tuesday, November 27, 2012
My Second Baby Bird
1. Yes, we planned this pregnancy.
It's been really fun this time around because we did the whole, "Hey. You know what would be fun? Another baby. What do you think?" thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, Luke was the best surprise of my life..but there was something extra exciting about the anticipation of trying for a baby.
2. Luke will be 22 months old when the baby comes.
So, really close to two years old. Originally, I really wanted our first two to be at least two years apart, but the timing just seemed perfect and everything started to come together so we decided to start trying a bit earlier than we'd originally planned. I think 22 months is going to be perfect.
3. I'm super nervous about having another one.
There are several reasons as to why this is.
-Babies are hard. I don't know if anyone has ever told you this, but it's more true than you'd think. I'm nervous about adjusting to a newborn while also taking care of a toddler. That is a horrendously terrifying prospect.
-People might think this is silly, but I do not know how I can possibly love another baby as much as I love Luke. I keep having these thoughts where they'll hand me the baby and I'm like, "Meh. The other one was cuter." AH! I'm sure that experienced parents (including my mother) who have told me that this will not happen are absolutely correct, but still, it makes me nervous.
-They won't nap at the same time. So. I feel like this means any shred of 'me time' I have been enjoying will be gone. Being as I'm inherently a selfish being, this depresses me. =)
4. I'm also super excited about having another once.
Obviously. But really. Teeny, tiny toes and fingers, soft hair, the baby smell, how perfectly they fit in your arms at first, the first smile, the first giggle, how they know your smell and voice immediately, watching them learn and figure out the world...just all of it. I'm so excited to have all of those moments again. All of those firsts. Also, I think Luke is going to be the best big brother IN ALL THE LAND.
5. I've been really sick this pregnancy, but not as sick as I was with Luke.
Thankfully, I've been able to function better this time around. My "morning sickness" has been more on the normal side and even though I do tend to throw up at least once or twice a day and have lost about 5 pounds (you wouldn't know it by looking at me, though...my waist is like a tree trunk right now) I can at least get out of bed and take care of my baby. Of course, I wouldn't be able to do half of what I do if it wasn't for my amazing husband and my family. They have helped and blessed me more than they even know. My sweet husband always crawls out of bed early to bring me food, he's been doing the dishes for weeks now, he helps around the house and takes Luke for me as soon as he gets home since the majority of my nausea/vomiting happens in the evenings. He is my rock. Next time you see him, give him a pat on the back for me and tell him he's awesome.
6. Yes, we are kind of hoping for a girl.
We haven't done the girl thing yet, so that would be fun. That being said, I have a very strong feeling this baby is a boy. The pregnancies are VERY similar. I'm craving all the same things and all that. And I've had two very vivid dreams that it is a boy. So, I'm gearing myself for a boy. There are a lot of benefits to having a boy. We won't have to buy anything at all. He'd be totally set in terms of clothes and towels and everything else we have that isn't gender-nuetral. So that'd be nice. Also, I think it would be so fun for Luke to have a brother so close in age. They'd wrestle around and do all the fun brother stuff together.
Random facts:
Due: June 22nd (hooray for not being pregnant in July or August!)
Weeks: 10 and 3 days.
Weight gain: None. I'd gained a bit originally, but all that came off plus two more thanks to all the barf.
Gender Reveal: Either the beginning of January or the beginning of February, depending on how patient I can be/how much money I'm willing to spend to be impatient.
Alrighty! That's it. We're excited and we can wait! I'm so excited to feel the first flutters and kicks and all that good stuff and I just can't wait until this baby is in my arms. YAY reproduction!
Monday, November 5, 2012
My Soul-Mate
Then I met Shem.
And I really liked him. I liked him a whole lot. And I thought, "I'd bet that we could really work together and make a successful relationship out of this whole mutual attraction thing we've got goin' on here".
So we did.
When we got married, we were madly in love with each other. We knew we were supposed to be together. We knew we were a good match. But I don't think we knew the extent to which our match really was made in heaven.
I firmly and absolutely believe we were meant for each other. I am so completely convinced that Shem is my soul-mate that I can't imagine ever believing there was no such thing.
We're definitely not the same person, though in the ways that matter, he is kind of the male equivalent of me. We both communicate through humor and silliness. We're both people-pleasers and we hate confrontation. We both value family and friends and are loyal to those we love. We communicate in eerily similar ways. Which makes arguments a lot easier to have.
In other ways, though, he really does complete me. I know that sounds unbelievably cheesy, but what else do you call it when your spouse's good qualities are frequently the very qualities that you lack? He is teaching me every day how to be a better person. How to serve selflessly, how to be truly honest, how to relax and let small things go, and how to be calm in the middle of a storm.
I never expected to be converted to the belief in soul mates. And I'm sure that my original theory holds true for some. But let me tell you something: from this side of the fence, a real life soul mate looks like a pretty darn good way to spend eternity.
I can't wait to continue falling more and more in love with my husband every year. It's the best feeling in the world to know that I already love him more than I did the day we got married.
I love you so much!
Happy Anniversary.
Friday, October 5, 2012
The Great Fly War--AKA: The Zombie Fly
It all started last night. I'd just walked in the kitchen after putting Luke to bed to see Shem holding a full cup of water, waiting for a fly he had found to land. He had a disconcerting look on his face that told me there was every possibility that very soon, that full cup of water was going to be an empty cup of water and a huge mess to sop up.
"Whatcha doin'?" I asked hastily.
"Killing that fly." He answered without breaking eye contact from the winged beasty.
"With what?" There was a slight tremor of fear in my voice now.
"With this water. I'm going to drown it." The fly landed lazily on a rung of the blinds, none the wiser that it's ultimate demise was being plotted by my fully grown husband who was brandishing water as his weapon.
Quickly, I grabbed the fly swatter (yes, we have a fly swatter. I know, right?) from behind the fridge, "Honey. How about instead of flooding the kitchen, we use this aptly named device to swat the fly?"
He paused, "I have a better idea."
He grabbed the nipple to a bottle which was in the sink, waiting to be cleaned, and filled it with water, "We can't swat it while it's on the blinds; it'll escape. So, I'll startle it with a squirt of water and then you smack it."
I thought this over for a moment and then, deciding that the stream of water was so tiny it couldn't possibly result in flooding, I agreed.
He squirted it, but instead of flying out towards the woman with a fly swatter (go figure) it flew behind the blinds to seek refuge next to the window.
Shem pull the blinds open so I could get it, and that's when it happened: A torrent, a hurricane, an army of flies was released into my kitchen. I'm not kidding you, there were at least 12 flies and they all flew out at the same time. It was like sick, nasty, hairy, buzzy rain fall. I might have screamed a little bit.
It was then that my inner killer was released. I went crazy. I didn't hold back. No one was safe. Letting out a strangled war-cry, I flung that fly swatter as hard and as fast as I possibly could. Shem swiftly left my presence in an attempt to protect himself. (A wise move, I assure you) The flies broke ranks and scattered in every direction. I killed one. I killed another one. They were dropping like...well...you know...flies. Smashing, crashing, screaming...I really didn't care what I hit or where they were killed. I'd killed four before I paused, searching for more.
I found a few, unwisely chilling on my kitchen wall. After a couple more fly casualties, I had killed as many as I could find. I'd definitely won the battle.
It was now time to sweep up their tiny, squished remains. As I was sweeping, one of the dead ones miraculously resurrected, JUMPED at me and flew into my blouse. (People, I couldn't make this up if I tried.) I screamed, spun around in circles (in case you don't know, that's the proper technique for removing flies from your blouse. You can thank me later) and wiped my outfit vigorously in attempts to remove the nasty un-dead zombie fly from my person. I don't know if it worked. But since then, I've changed my clothes and taken a shower so I think it's safe to say it's no longer on me. Crisis (eventually) averted.
I'd won the battle, but not the war. I think I killed a total of six last night. There are at least six more hanging about my abode. I got two this morning. There is one buzzing stupidly against the inside of the blinds in my bedroom as I write this. There was one that flew out at me from behind the shower curtain as I was getting ready for the day (he will pay for his startling trick) And I know there are others. Ohhhh, are there others. Believe me, I WILL find them. And I WILL kill them. And the zombies? I will DOUBLE kill them. That's how serious I am.
They picked the wrong house, guys. The wrong. House.
Walking, Talking, Shouting. Also Music.
This morning, on my walk back home from the park, I had my ear buds in and was listening to music. I try and keep the volume really low so that I can hear and respond to Luke as he jabbers about the world. Also, so that I can say hi to people who pass and hear what they say back so that I can avoid embarrassing interactions in which a really old lady will speak to me as though I can hear her and I will try to respond as though I heard her and it just doesn't work out because our conversation is like:
Her: My, what a handsome boy you have!
Me: Thanks! You too.
(Not that this story comes from experience. Okay, who am I kidding? Yes it does.)
So, there I am, walking home when I see a big, rather intimidating man who is also wearing headphones, walking toward me. I smile and look down so as to try and avoid interaction with him because I'm the scardiest scardy-cat of all time and was, at the time, imagining all the horrible things the guy would do to me if he were the type of guy to do horrible things to people like me. You can understand my horror then, when he, assuming I had my music blasting, shouted at the top of his lungs, "GOOD MORNING!"
I think I visibly jumped about a foot before regaining my composure, smiling and saying "good morning" back to him. Then I passed him ...and started walking a lot faster.
Overall, it was a really good workout.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
When Luke-A-Duke Puke-A-Duked
Years before I had children, I dreaded this part of motherhood. I knew I'd be a pro at handling mud, clutter, general messiness, bloody noses, skinned knees, bee stings... I was ready for all of that. Heck, I even knew that explosive diapers would be no match for my supermom alter-ego. Potty training? Sure. Accidents? Bring them on. Two year olds painting with feces? Absolutely.
This is thanks, in part, to the fact that I did so much babysitting/nannying while growing up. Wiping a stranger's child's butt for a living has a way of callousing you toward all other horrifying things in life.
If I'm being honest, when facing most of those things in real life, they are much more terrifying than my naive 16-year-old brain thought they would be, but that isn't the point. The point IS; even at 16 I knew that the somewhere in the dark, shadowy, ugly places of my future the moment would inevitably come that my children would expel through their mouths that which they had just consumed and that it would be far worse than any other horrible happening ever.
This morning I had a meeting with destiny.
I gave my baby a bottle of milk this morning because I needed an extra few minutes to wake up and usually a bottle will buy me those minutes. I never expected, as I walked sleepily back into my room to wake up, that I'd be seeing that milk again so soon.
Twenty minutes later, awake and cheerful, I went to get my boy for a morning filled with laughter, singing and tickle fights.
Then it happened.
I smelled it first. Then I saw it. The barf. I'm not talking about that gunk that newborns hoark up on a
(no. I completely take that last sentence back.)
Also, he had rolled in it. Because just puking all over the entire right side of his bed, his bumpers and somehow the wall, wasn't gross enough. No, he also needed to paint with it and smear it all over his face and squish it into the strands of his soft hair.
It was then that I cursed the universe for having created this reality in which Shem had to work early today. Only today. Out of any of the days in this week. It had to be today. The cursed day. In which my innocence died.
Two hours and several buckets of scalding hot, soapy water later, the smell was entirely eradicated from my house and order had been restored, Luke was bathed and (kind of) fed. He was hungry, but not presumably because of his icky tummy. So breakfast greatly consisted of his throwing dry toast on the floor and spitting applesauce at me as a thank you for cleaning up his puke. Also, the dust pan was lost because he likes to play with it and put it who-knows-where when he's done, so sweeping up the bread crumbs was another fun adventure brought to you in part by my one-year-old.
I have no idea why he's sick. But I think it has something to do with the fact that he likes sucking on tables when we go out to eat.
So, that's how my day was.
How was yours?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Today's Adventure Brought to You By: Cravings
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Arise and Shine, Despite the Rocks
Five minutes ago I sat here, staring at the one or two sentences that I'd very poorly constructed and not knowing how to move forward. I had a lot to say, I just didn't know how to say it.
Frustrated, I flipped over to glance at Pinterest. Someone had pinned a quote from one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs (eh, who am I kidding? All of her songs are my favorite) which miraculously unblocked my writer's block.
Now, the nice thing about Taylor Swift is that while she isn't Bob Dylan (Thank goodness. I'll give you that the guy is a lyrical genius, but my heavens his voice sounds like a toad that was hit by a train in the vocal chords) she just knows how to talk to me. I don't know what it is about the way she writes her music, but I relate and or have in the past related to about 90% of her material.
My friend Kyla and I used to joke that she writes our lives. It's so truuuuue, Ky! So true.
Back to it: Thanks to the anonymity that social media allows, strong and passionate opinions (oftentimes unedited and unfiltered) have been flying for the past three months about a myriad of different social issues, none of which this post is about. This has all lead to my current plight which is that I'm feeling under attack as a religious, right leaning, young wife and mother who on occasion allows her voice to be heard when it comes to social issues I feel strongly about.
I'm also feeling frustrated that I can't seem to express myself concisely. I'm frustrated at my inability affect change; to soften hearts; to share the love that I have for the things I believe without having the them torn apart and thrown back in my face as twisted, ugly, evil things.
"Arise and shine forth that they light may be a standard to the nations"
I'm tryin' to shine, here, people! Why are you not catching fire??
Maybe it's because I'm trying to light buckets of water.
So then Taylor told me in a song she wrote:
"Don't you worry your pretty little mind. People throw rocks at things that shine."
Like two little boys, sitting on a pile of dirt who see that thing glinting in the sun which turns out to be an aluminum can, perched on a fence and they decide to see who can knock it down first.
If you put it up there, there will always be people who want to knock it down. But that doesn't mean you should stop putting it up there.
I will never convince everyone to believe what I believe. I may never convince anyone to believe what I believe...but that's okay. What matters is that I shared what I believe and didn't back down when accusations flew or personal attacks were made. I'm not going to stop shining just because you keep trying to put my light out. I'm not going to stop hanging out on fences just because you keep trying to knock me down.
Because gosh darn it, I'm a shiny aluminum can, glinting in the sunlight!!
...well, you get the point...
Thursday, July 12, 2012
I'm NOT pregnant. But I Sure Feel Skinny Now.
So, I was late this month if ya know what I mean. (There, I'm getting the TMI parts out of the way early. Feel free to read on, that's as graphic as it gets.)
The reasons this freaked me out are thusly:
1. EVERYONE I talk to lately has been asking me when I'm going to have another baby. My response is usually something like: when Luke stops being one.
2. I've had three people in the last two weeks ask if I'm expecting again. I do not know why this is occurring. I'm not even getting fatter! Maybe I was wearing the wrong sort of shirt or something. But gee...way to make me feel lovely guys. Upon discovering that I'm late this month, my mind of course immediately jumped to the conclusion that I MUST be pregnant if people are asking me about it.
3. Since Luke was a surprise, I'm pretty much convinced every single month that I'm pregnant. This month was no exception, but it WAS the first month that I was ACTUALLY late.
So, I finally broke down (my husband would snort himself silly if he read that, because he knows that 'broke down' actually means 'chomping at the bit') and bought a pregnancy test.
I was at Walmart.
So were about 25 other Mormons that I knew.
I managed to sneak the thing into my cart without any of them being the wiser, but it made me nervous and jumpy so the conversations I had with them were the most awkward conversations of all time: "Uh. Yeah. Hi. Good to see you. Is that your daughter in your cart? Oh..haha...yeah, I'm glad she's yours and not some random stranger's or something. That'd be weir...okay, yeah! You too. See ya."
So it was negative. But there was this blurry line in the place where the positive line is supposed to go, so (because I'm kind of baby hungry and simultaneously terrified of being pregnant ever, ever again) I naturally had to buy another test to make sure.
This time I chose the dollar store.
I had a feeling about this checker before she even rung me up. Something about the way she said, "Welcome to the Dollar Tree!" so cheerfully when I came in. I just knew she would say something about the test. I just knew.
Sure enough: "Ooooo. You're gonna be in trouble."
Not what I expected.
In the absence of my response, she repeated herself, but directed her comments at Luke. Because that's not creepy.
"She gonna be in trouble!"
Luke didn't answer, so I finally said, "No. We'd actually be pretty happy."
So then she told Luke that HE would be in trouble. So I told Luke to tell her that he would be excited. He didn't.
But I think she got the message.
ANYWHOO...lest I keep you all at the edge of your seats that test was VERY DEFINITELY negative so. No new Hawks yet. Which is actually probably a good thing *sigh* since Luke is still so little. But it was an exciting adventure nonetheless.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Expression Should Be: "Grows Like a Luke"
What happened to my wrinkled, squishy, immobile lump of cute?
Now he's a rambunctious, curious mover with an aptitude for flirting the likes of which I have never beheld in one so young.
He also sleeps through the night. Which is a bonus. And he feeds himself (when he isn't delighting in throwing corn on the floor and or rubbing pizza enthusiastically into his long, blond hair).
He knows the word "ball" because balls are his favorite things in the entire world short of myself and daddy. He has one in his hand at all times and frequently engages whomever is handy in a game of catch. And gosh darn it if he isn't the most accurate little aimer you've ever seen. He's got quite the arm.
He knows the word "dada".
He says "mama" when he's upset or wants to get out of his crib or needs a good hug, but I'm not sure that he associates that word with me 100% of the time. Whereas with "dada", if I ask Luke "Where is daddy?" he toddles off to find him or points and says "dada!" He's not quite doing that with "mama" yet.
He knows where his toes are. I tell him "Luke, get your toes" and he does. Because he's a genius basically.
He points at everything.
He knows the ASL signs for "more", "eat", "bottle" and "out".
He throws a mighty fit when he doesn't get what he wants. And what he wants is usually my cell phone. And what he wants with my cell phone is usually the marvelous reaction I give when he throws it on the floor with violent force.
But he's easily distracted.
I delight in him every single day. Being his mommy is the best thing in the whole, wide world. I love watching the world through his discoveries. I can't believe that he's walking now! What a big boy he is. And what a joy.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
That One Time When I Stood Up To Two (probable) Attackers To Defend My Baby
Yesterday Michelle, Luke and I were at my parent's house alone. Someone knocked. Michelle looked out the peep-hole.
Me: "Who is it?"
Her: "I dunno. A big, Mexican guy. I don't know him."
Me:"Don't answer it."
Already you must ask. Was this interaction racist?
Firstly, if the guy had been large and white, would Michelle have referenced his race at all? Would she have said "I dunno. A big, white guy. I don't know him." No. She probably would have said, "I dunno. Some big dude. I don't know him." Now, I don't know that that necessarily implies racism. I think if Michelle and I were black (and let's face it, we've both got an inner, fabulous black girl) and a strange white person had knocked on the door, we would have undoubtedly referenced his race. HOWEVER; the underlying fear I had in the pit of my stomach...was THAT racism? Or was it just stranger danger made more prominent on accounta the helpless baby child that I am sworn to protect?
Let's explore the issue further:
A moment passes. The man rattles the gate again. (Fun fact, our doorbell is broken and we keep our front gate locked so as to keep strangers at a distance when we answer the door. It becomes a problem that people can't knock. Or ring a bell. Or in any other way signal their desire to converse with the dwelling's inhabitants.) He rattles again. Michelle and I both look at each other with a, "I wish he'd go away, he's making me nervous" face.
Then....he yells. "Is anybody home??"
"What the crap?" I say, traipsing with my baby over to the peep-hole. I peer out. I'm shocked and worried to discover that he has removed the fake, plastic rock that offers an aesthetically pleasing cover for the myriad of wires and other such uglies that sit in the front yard. That's when I notice there are two of them, and they're rummaging through the wires and such.
"What the crap?" I repeat. And I fling the door open, my heart beating a million miles a minute as I cling tightly onto my helpless baby child.
They look up, surprised. They stutter and seem ashamed for some reason.
Me: "Um. Can I help you?"
Them: "Yeah. Uh. Your...the man...your dad? The guy who lives here...he wanted us to do the yard."
In my mind: 'We have gardeners already. Why would my dad have hired new ones? The old ones were here yesterday. I'm so confused. These guys are totally ripping us off right now. I have no idea what to do in this situation. They're probably going to ask to come in and I'll have to let them because I don't know how to say no. Then, they're going to steal Luke. I can't let that happen! I must DO something! I must say no! I mustn't let them rape me! I need to say something, I've been standing here thinking for about 5 minutes now in complete silence!'
Them: "Uh. Can we talk to him?"
In my mind: 'Crap. He's not home. I don't want to TELL them he's not home...then they'll know there is no man here and there are two of them and they're big guys and we're all helpless and female-like. They will undoubtedly force their way in through the metal gate -undoubtedly they have the strength of Herculean gods and will merely pry the bars apart. However, if I tell them my dad will be home in five minutes, they will come back in five minutes. And he won't be back in five minutes. But I can't tell them that. They'll steal Luke! I must stop them! I mustn't let them rape me! Crap. I need to say something, I've been standing here in silence again.'
Me: "Uh."
Them: *Awkward shuffle*
In my mind: 'I should probably figure out if they're imposters. I have a fool-proof way to decide. Ha! At last I know what to say. And I will sound intimidating and fierce and assertive and I'll probably scare the pants off of them.'
Me: "Um. Whatcha doin' with that rock?"
Them: "Oh. We're...it's the...the sprinklers. We're supposed to fix the sprinklers."
Michelle: "Oh yeah...dad did mention that the other day. Here, I'll give you his number so you can call him."
And then they fixed our sprinklers.
And I felt stupid.
And a little racist.
And a little like a fierce mama lion; ready and willing to protect her youngling by any means necessary.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
There are so many things I'd like to say to so many people I love, but I feel conflicted between my desire to pound the truth into their skulls and my desire to keep them in my life without changing the nature of our relationship. Though the circumstances for each of these people differ greatly, the heart of the truth that I'd gladly scream off of rooftops if I thought that would change any opinions is this:
The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored. It is on the Earth today in its fullness. God lives! He hears and answers prayers. He loves ALL of His children. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. He lived and died for us because He loves us more than we can possibly imagine. He doesn't just love the 'good' parts...He loves ALL of you! He wants you to be with Him. He wants you to return. Heavenly Father commissioned Christ to create a path for us to follow that will lead us back to Him. Thanks to modern day revelation, we know what that path is. There is one church, one baptism and one God. It doesn't matter what you believe...this is the reality: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is His church restored on the Earth today. The Book of Mormon is a true book that was written by ancient prophets. It testifies of Christ and tells of His visit to the American continent after His crucifixion. The church is true. The people aren't perfect, but God, who leads and directs His church IS perfect. He will work out all the kinks. And He loves you.
You can't possibly begin to imagine how much He loves you.
What a beautiful thing to believe. Why wouldn't you want to?
Monday, June 4, 2012
True Love
Thursday, May 24, 2012
A Controversy Makes For Exciting Blogging Material(An accidental double post)
I'm glad that I have such a diverse group of friends and that you all have strong opinions and are willing to share them. HOWEVER; hating people who hate gay people (WRONG though they may be) is hypocritical. Hating people who are against gay marriage, but who DON'T necessarily hate gay people (no, those two life views are not synonymous) is worse than hypocritical. It's ugly. It's mean. And you are wrong to do it. Spouting hate in ANY direction is wrong. If you believe in gay marriage, good for you...defend it. But leave those of us who defend traditional marriage alone to do as we believe is right.
For the record, I am against gay marriage. I believe in the sanctification of marriage for both religious and social reasons. Mostly, I believe that the term 'marriage' is defined as being a union between a man and a woman and that when a gay or lesbian desire to be joined, they are entering into a different kind of agreement. They can't be entering into a marriage because marriage is not defined as a union of two people who love each other. If two people who love each other and just happen to be two females or two males desire to be joined together contractually and spend the rest of their lives together, that is just fine...it just has to be called something different because it is a different kind of union.
This is not a position of hate. It is not a position of ignorance. I have no fear of or hatred towards homosexuals. Some of my favorite people in the world just happen to be gay. I have no desire to keep gay people apart. I have no agenda to 'eradicate' them from society. I am a live and let live kinda gal. Your choices are your choices. HOWEVER, when you start trying to legally change the definition of something that has the potential to directly affect me and my ability to choose, I have to stand up against it.
I don't want to go into any more detail about my beliefs about gay marriage than I already have. That's not what this post is about...if you have more questions, please feel free to ask me. I'm always up for a discussion about it.
The point of this entry, however, is this: disagreeing with me is one thing; you are entitled to your opinion; BULLYING me, berating me, hating me, or verbally assaulting me because of my beliefs is a different thing entirely. It is completely hypocritical, morally objectionable, inappropriate and just plain rude. Just because someone thinks differently than you, doesn't mean you have the right to be condescending or judgmental. Isn't that one of the reasons you get so annoyed with the 'Christians' who spout off horrible comments about gays? Aren't you exuding the VERY BEHAVIOR you are seeking to abolish?
You are allowed to express your opinion and I'm allowed to express mine. But can't we do so lovingly, understandingly and with regard to everyone's right to believe as they choose? I don't deserve to be called a bigot or hateful or any of the other things I just read in those comments. You don't know me. You don't know what I believe. You don't try to understand it or see where I'm coming from...you just label me and put me in a category because of something I believe in.
Just stop it.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
A Controversy Makes For Exciting Blogging Material
I'm glad that I have such a diverse group of friends and that you all have strong opinions and are willing to share them. HOWEVER; hating people who hate gay people (WRONG though they may be) is hypocritical. Hating people who are against gay marriage, but who DON'T necessarily hate gay people (no, those two life views are not synonymous) is worse than hypocritical. It's ugly. It's mean. And you are wrong to do it. Spouting hate in ANY direction is wrong. If you believe in gay marriage, good for you...defend it. But leave those of us who defend traditional marriage alone to do as we believe is right.
For the record, I am against gay marriage. I believe in the sanctification of marriage for both religious and social reasons. Mostly, I believe that the term 'marriage' is defined as being a union between a man and a woman and that when a gay or lesbian desire to be joined, they are entering into a different kind of agreement. They can't be entering into a marriage because marriage is not defined as a union of two people who love each other. If two people who love each other and just happen to be two females or two males desire to be joined together contractually and spend the rest of their lives together, that is just fine...it just has to be called something different because it is a different kind of union.
This is not a position of hate. It is not a position of ignorance. I have no fear of or hatred towards homosexuals. Some of my favorite people in the world just happen to be gay. I have no desire to keep gay people apart. I have no agenda to 'eradicate' them from society. I am a live and let live kinda gal. Your choices are your choices. HOWEVER, when you start trying to legally change the definition of something that has the potential to directly affect me and my ability to choose, I have to stand up against it.
I don't want to go into any more detail about my beliefs about gay marriage than I already have. That's not what this post is about...if you have more questions, please feel free to ask me. I'm always up for a discussion about it.
The point of this entry, however, is this: disagreeing with me is one thing; you are entitled to your opinion; BULLYING me, berating me, hating me, or verbally assaulting me because of my beliefs is a different thing entirely. It is completely hypocritical, morally objectionable, inappropriate and just plain rude. Just because someone thinks differently than you, doesn't mean you have the right to be condescending or judgmental. Isn't that one of the reasons you get so annoyed with the 'Christians' who spout off horrible comments about gays? Aren't you exuding the VERY BEHAVIOR you are seeking to abolish?
You are allowed to express your opinion and I'm allowed to express mine. But can't we do so lovingly, understandingly and with regard to everyone's right to believe as they choose? I don't deserve to be called a bigot or hateful or any of the other things I just read in those comments. You don't know me. You don't know what I believe. You don't try to understand it or see where I'm coming from...you just label me and put me in a category because of something I believe in.
Just stop it.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Life Lessons
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
About My Cozy Nosey. And the Bugs That Go There.
1. This classy lassy must have a cozy nosey because three bugs have paid my inner nostrils a visit in the last week. My theories on why this is happening are these: Either a) I breathe extremely deeply and am sucking them in like a tractor beam or b) my nostrils are extra comfy, slightly warm and offer a welcome break from the heat. It's not like I want to seem inhospitable but I sincerely wish they would stop going in there because it tickles and is fairly distracting while I drive. Why do they go in so easily and why are they then so hard to get out? I'm pretty sure about 90% of Bakersfield sincerely believes I pick my nose while I'm in my car. What an awful way for these winged beasties to meet their demise. Death by picking. You might think this is funny, but I assure you it's snot.
2. I'm itchy. I can't remember if this happens to me every summer but hot dang! It's annoying. I think it's on account of all the extra sweating one does when it's in the lower 90 degrees in April. My skin is rebelling against this ridiculously warm spring. Also, it might be because I spent a whopping .97 cents on a body wash at WalMart. Never again, I assure you. I was going for an inexpensive boost to my scent and ended up with..rabies or something. I'm pretty sure it's rabies. Rabies gives you itchy bumps on your belly, right?
3. The hair I lost while I was pregnant (which was excessive, let me assure you) is now growing back. This means that the front of my hair has little patches of new hair that is a foot shorter than the rest of my hair. I have a collection of mini-fros all over my hair line. It's super attractive.
4. I keep losing two pounds and then inexplicably gaining it back. I'm not really changing anything, so this is a mystery to me. I'm fairly happy with my weight right now...I wouldn't complain if I lost another 6 pounds or so, but hey..6 pounds is nothing. I'm sure it'll come off soon, if the current two pounds that are playing games with me will ever completely shed.
Anywhoo...bodies are weird and glorious and disgusting and beautiful all at the same time. I'm grateful for clothing. And my super cute swimsuit. And deodorant. And band-aids.
Friday, April 13, 2012
And I Couldn't Find My Camera!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
...But I'm Happy!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
My Anxiety Light Bulb
Monday, February 27, 2012
How Doctor Who Helped Me Find My "GAH!"
Thursday, February 9, 2012
On: Death and Dying
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
And I Keep On Rockin'
This evening, after my son was put down, I hopped on Pinterest to take a quick (Ha. Quick. Remember that one time when I lied about the length of time that I spent on Pinterest? Me too.) gander at all the lovelies there are in the world. I happened across a pin that linked me back to an article called "Top Five Regrets of the Dying". Intrigued, I clicked. These were collected by a nurse who had been working with the elderly for some-odd years and had collected a list of things they frequently said were their biggest regrets. She says these are the top five most common regrets:
1. I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.
2. I wish I hadn't worked so hard.
3. I wish I'd had the courage to express my feelings.
4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.
5. I wish that I had let myself be happier.
So I thought about it. I mean, I really thought about it, and I have to say if I were to die tomorrow...those would not be my top 5 regrets. I feel like I'm living the life I'm happy with living, I often play with my baby in lieu of doing dishes, I often tell people EXACTLY how I feel, I have a facebook (very useful in fulfilling desire number 4) and I generally allow myself to be plenty happy. HOWEVER. Each of these regrets branch off to create a single sub-category that I consider to be a very real behavior I exude that needs eradicating lest I do die tomorrow and it becomes my Regret Number One:
I worry.
I worry that my house will never be clean and someday the prophet will drop by to check on me and there will be a sink full of dishes, a dead bug chilling on the welcome mat, baby toys strewn about and folded laundry keeping the couch company. I worry that I'm not working hard enough. I worry that the feelings I express to others will offend them. I worry that people don't actually want to stay in touch with me and that I'm just clinging. I worry that I won't get enough sleep and that I'll be exhausted the next day. When I wake up in the middle of the night and my baby isn't crying, I worry that he's dead. (haha. No, really, though...I have to talk myself out of checking on him every single time.) I worry that I'm not being the perfect wife, perfect mother, perfect friend, perfect daughter, perfect employee. And I worry that when I'm sad, it must mean that I'm not trying hard enough to be happy.
I worry all the time. I'm a professional worrier. I don't WANT to be, but I don't know how NOT to be.
I don't want to have regrets when I die. I want to just know that I lived the best life that I knew how to live. I think it'll help to know that things don't end here. Things go on. It's not a one shot only type deal. There will be more beauty to discover if I miss some of the beauty here. There will be people to love if I can't love them all here. There will be work to do if I don't do it all here. There will be choirs to sing in, children to mother, people to meet and places to explore.
BUT...I don't want to worry my life away! I don't want to constantly need a plan. I don't want to constantly be in a frenzy or a hurry or a panic. I want to let things go. Things will go wrong, I won't be perfect, I'll make mistakes, tragedies will hit, hard times will be gone through. I want to be okay with that! But it causes a pit in my stomach just thinking about all that unknown over which I have no control.
Worry is so inherently a part of me. It's engrained into my very being. How do I etch that out?? How do I melt those parts away?
I don't know. I just don't know yet.